Frequently Asked Questions
  1. 01

    Can I purchase a sample of FITT360 SECURITY?

    Yes, you could purchase a demo unit of FITT360 SECURITY. Sample order of FITT360 SECURITY is available from this page. The more specific purpose and information as you provide, the detailed and personalized response would be reached to you.

  2. 02

    Where to get contact point of LINKFLOW?

    LINKFLOW representative contact information is same as follows. Any questions about product inquiries or business partnership are welcome. We’ll get back to you within 2 business days.

    E-mail: contact@linkflow.co.kr Phone: +82-31-698-4079 (Office hours: 10:00-18:00, GMT+10:00) Fax: +82-70-8277-5506

  3. 03

    How to review detailed specifications of FITT360 SECURITY?

    It is available to find detailed information on FITT360 SECURITY from data sheet and brochure updated on. Also from this page, specialized functions available to be found out.

  4. 04

    Where to review the real demonstration videos of FITT360 SECURITY operation?

    The demonstration video of FITT360 SECURITY is provided through the requirement via conversation. Please contact us as follows 02 A.

  5. 05

    I’d like to receive the latest news of FITT360 SECURITY.

    You could subscribe the monthly newsletter of LINKFLOW. Click the checkbox “Sign me up for newsletters” and submit the form on this page.

  6. 06

    What is the difference between FITT360 SECURITY and FITT360?

    The differences between FITT360 SECURITY and FITT360 are same as below. Comparison table

  7. 07

    About distribution and retail.

    For the distribution and retail inquiry, please contact us through the contact@linkflow.co.kr. It would be easier to start our conversation if you let us know details of your company.

  8. 08

    Where can I find information about the Software License regarding FITT360 SECURITY?

    Detailed information about the Software License will be available shortly.

  1. 01

    FITT360 launched on the crowdfunding platform.
    You could get more on Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign page.